In his teenage years, Tom Bedell, the founder of Two Old Hippies, embarked on his first guitar business venture. He imported instruments from the Pacific Rim, branded them with his own name, and distributed them to aspiring musicians throughout the Midwest. After retiring from his family’s fishing supply business, Bedell realized that his true passion lay in the enchanting world of guitars.
In late 2010, Bedell acquired Breedlove Guitars and wasted no time in revitalizing the workplace. He prioritized safety, productivity, and a friendly atmosphere for all employees. However, he also saw an opportunity. By shifting Breedlove’s wood sourcing to responsible and sustainable partners, and by implementing Sound Optimization techniques to maximize the potential of these precious resources, Bedell understood that he could transform his youthful dream into an even more extraordinary reality.
Thus, Bedell Guitars was reintroduced as a boutique, hand-made brand based in the United States, drawing inspiration from the exceptional guitars that had captivated Bedell during his formative years as a folk musician in Spirit Lake, Iowa. In addition to their stunning range of top-tier production instruments, Bedell players now have the chance to fulfill their own aspirations through the Bedell Custom Shop.
Showing 1–12 of 22 results
2020 Bedell Limited Edition Dreadnought Adirondack – Unique Brazilian
$5,790.00 -
2021 Bedell Fireside Parlor
$12,500.00 -
2021 Bedell Revolution Parlor Adirondack
$3,500.00 -
2022 Bedell Angelica Bellissima Parlor
$4,195.00 -
2022 Bedell Parlor Mahogany
$2,990.00 -
2023 Bedell Coffee House Dreadnought Square Shoulder
$3,790.00 -
2023 Bedell Parlor Ocean Sinker Brazilian
$12,500.00 -
2023 Bedell Parlor Ocean Sinker Redwood Brazilian
$12,500.00 -
Bedell 1964 Parlor 2022 – Mahogany/Adirondack
$2,800.00 -
Bedell 64-P Acoustic
$2,800.00 -
Bedell Angelica Belissima 2024 – Figured Indian Rosewood
$4,990.00 -
Bedell Angelica Bella Voce 2015 – Figured Rosewood